Week Three with Extension by Byron Thibodeaux

Equipment at the WYE

Throughout the past weeks, the internship has been going amazing. I am learning something new daily. The activities are highly intriguing and fun. I was involved in an interesting activity at the Wye Research Center this week. Another intern and I started in the field working on video film shots for B-Roll. Then I was able to get a first-hand experience with the new technological functions utilized for maintaining the crops in the field. Time management is now efficient with the production of new technologies. Transitioning to a quick topic change, I have observed and used adequate oral/written communication skills frequently during Zoom meetings, in-person interactions, and formal emails. A few examples, beginning with the Zoom meetings; there was a display of collaborative communication put on by myself and three other interns working together to form an agreement on a topic introduced by the lead intern for this week's Zoom meeting. An example that follows is the enhancement of my verbal communication skills in person while developing a daily plan with another intern as she and I traveled to the Wye together and chatted about her ideas for hemp production. The latest example is produced from written emails between my mentor, another intern, and me discussing how to manage time and make it convenient. The desired goal I have set to accomplish for maximized oral/written communication skills is nearly complete because the delivery was effective. I’m able to notice communicational feedback through body language creating an insight gain for myself on the communication received by the intended audience. The takeaways from this week were time management and oral/written communication skill set improvement. Beginning the new week, I am already having more fun and starting to learn more about myself.
