Week Eight with Extension by Emily Stamper

dairy steer show

This week was our county’s fair. Monday was the dairy cow show where I was the announcer for the show. Not only was I working during the day to help out, but in the evening I was scooping ice cream down at the track. Washington County Farm Bureau has an ice cream stand that they set up down at the track and serve ice cream every night during the events. On Tuesday, I announced at the dairy steer show and then again at the beef heifer show. I also helped out with “4-H presents”, which is a public speaking contest. That night I was down at the track serving ice cream during the tractor pull. Wednesday was the swine show and Cheyenne and I helped up in the barn to get the pigs down to the show arena. The rodeo was that evening so we had a very busy night at the track. Thursday was a long day. In the morning, I announced for the dairy goat show.

setting up the show ring for market sale

That night was the market sale. We were very busy helping buyers get their bidder numbers and making sure that everything was organized. It was a late night for me. I got home at 1:30 am and then woke up at 4:30 to go back to the fairgrounds to load up animals that were bought the night before to get hauled for processing. Running on three hours of sleep, I went home and took a short nap and then came back to play some cornhole with our 4-Hers before heading down to the track to scoop ice cream. On Saturday, our 4-Hers participated in the long awaited wash rack water battle of the week. Afterwards, I lead some games and a cornhole tournament for them to enjoy. I ended the last day at the fair down at the track selling ice cream. On Sunday, we cleaned up the Ag Center and got everything put away and cleaned up. 

swine show

Growing up in 4-H, I was a part of the Ag Expo for eight years. After this week, I have a newfound appreciation for all that goes on behind the scenes to put this on for the community and the 4-Hers. There are a lot of people who work really hard to put this on. It also gives me hope for the future though. Seeing these kids put so much time and effort into their projects and their love for agriculture really inspired me. They make up the next generation of people in ag and I know that a lot of them will do great things in life. Getting to know these kids throughout the week was a blessing and it really showed me why I want to work in extension. It is all about the kids, the future of agriculture. Investing in them is critical if we want to keep our industry thriving.

wash rack water wars
